

Tips For Running Your Very Own Coffee Shop

Running your own coffee shop is not as simple as it may first seem. A coffee shop unlike any other business will see many people enter and exit the shop throughout the day. Most people will spend no more than 10 minutes in the shop on average. The high amount of foot traffic is what makes running this type of business hectic both for owners and employees. Below we take a look at a few tips which should help you run a clean and profitable coffee shop.

Tip no. 1

Your employees need to be courteous, helpful and knowledgeable. Employees who are courteous will make customers feel comfortable mainly because many times people do not know much about coffee. Having baristas with knowledge will help customers make the right decisions. Spending a few minutes chatting with customers will also influence their decision to return for another cup a few hours later or the next day.

Tip no. 2

Offer free Wifi! Back when Wifi was still unheard of by regular people cafe owners were the first to offer this service to writers, students and anyone else who happened to have a WiFi enabled laptop. By providing free internet many cafe owners are able to encourage people with smartphones and laptops to stay longer which in turn mean that they sip more coffee.

Tip no. 3

While most people don't expect to spend too much time in a coffee shop making it comfortable will certainly encourage people to stay longer than they want. Things should be clean and neat with a series of easy to reach waste bins. You can also hang paintings and play some relaxing music so that people feel more comfortable.

Tip no. 4

The one reason why people visit a coffee shop is obviously for coffee but this does not mean you can't sell a few extras. Many coffee shops make a sizable chunk of their income from selling croissants, breakfast and sandwiches.

Tip no. 5

Having a separate line for specialty coffee is a great idea. When you're running a coffee shop you need to be fast and efficient. However, the one thing that causes a bottleneck during these so called peak hours is people ordering specialty coffee. So by providing them with a separate line and counter you're speeding things up significantly.

Tip no. 6

You should hold a cupping session for the baristas working for you. This is similar to wine tasting except for here coffee is being tasted. Cupping sessions are very helpful when it comes to training employees to describe various coffee flavors as well as understand the different types of blends. Also, cupping is essential to improving the taste and texture of the coffee being prepared in your cafe.

Making your coffee cafe a success requires hard work and love for you business. The more you love your business the harder you will work and you will never feel as if you're working too hard to be successful.

White N Two sells the best waste baskets, bins and other coffee equipment aimed at professionals who want to be known for their excellent brews of coffee. Visit to purchase the best equipment today.

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